Migraine Treatment at SWPG

Chronic, severe migraine headaches can be debilitating. Without treatment, migraines can take over a person's life. However, with proper medical care and the use of cutting edge medical practices, the affects can be moderated so sufferers are able to lead a relatively normal life.

Migraines may be triggered by a variety of factors, including:

Emotional stress. This is one of the most common triggers of migraine headaches. Migraine sufferers are generally highly affected by stress. During stressful events, certain chemicals in the brain are released to combat the situation, which can cause a migraine. Anxiety, worry, excitement, and fatigue can also trigger a migraine in certain people.

Sensitivity to specific chemicals and preservatives in foods. Certain foods and beverages, such as aged cheese, alcoholic beverages, and food additives such as nitrates found in such foods as pepperoni, hot dogs, and luncheon meats as well as monosodium glutamate (MSG, commonly found in Chinese food).
Caffeine. Excessive caffeine consumption or withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches when the caffeine level abruptly drops. Caffeine itself is often helpful in treating acute migraine attacks.

Changing weather conditions. Storm fronts, changes in barometric pressure, strong winds, or changes in altitude can all trigger migraines in some.
  Common Causes of Headaches
Menstrual periods.

IV Infusion Treatment
Excessive fatigue.

Skipping meals.

Changes in normal sleep pattern.

The doctors and medical specialists at Southwest Pain Group are able to offer a broad range of migraine solutions, including non-narcotic infusion, occipital stimulation, or even nutrition-focused plans. Of course, if prescription medications are called for, we are able to provide those as well.

What Causes Migraines?

Today, most healthcare professionals believe that a migraine begins when hyperactive nerve cells send out impulses to the trigeminal nerve, causing it to send out compounds that irritate the blood vessels on the surface of the brain, which then begin to swell. In turn, the blood vessels send signals to the part of the brain that processes pain.

Migraines often run in families. People with migraines may be affected by certain migraine triggers, such as fatigue, bright lights, weather changes, among other factors.

What are the Symptoms of Migraines?
Moderate to severe pain (often described as pounding, throbbing pain) that can affect whole head, or can shift from one side of the head to the other

Sensitivity to light, noise or odors

Blurred vision

Nausea or vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain

Loss of appetite

Sensations of being very warm or cold



Fever (rare)

Bright flashing dots or lights, blind spots, wavy or jagged lines (aura)
Other Causes & Treatments
IV Infusion Treatment
Pain Medication Used in
Headache Therapy
IV Infusion Treatment
Botox Used For
Headache Treatment